Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools

So today is April fools day and I had someone think they could play me today- We have a friend living with us and he thought it would be funny to hide in the pantry- well I saw him go in there but he didnt know so I called my brother over to scare him out- here are some pictures of our adventure...

Well if you didnt guess already out little "friend" is a MOUSE!!! grrrr I am so ticked- not funny little mouse!! First I saw him sneak into our pantry as I was sitting in the living room then when Blake came over he scared it out and it ran under the stove so we pulled the stove out and it was back under our cabinets so we stuck the broom back there and scared him out he he ran under the dishwasher- they are fast little critters! well we didnt want to pull the dishwasher out out so we decided to make out own little trap until we get reals ones- I wanted to keep an out for him to come back. This is our trap :) 

There is a little string tied to the hammer hehe just like in the movies ; )


Brielle said...

did you catch it?!

The Tabot Fam said...

I hear they really are drawn to peanut butter...perhaps you can bait the trap with some Skippy! ;) good luck!

Kalli and Derek said...

I have some really cool traps you can have

It's said...

Yikes! I would have freaked out. That trap looks like it came right out of the game mousetrap.

Matt and Jeni and kids said...

HA HA HA...that cracks me up!!! LOL!!!!!