Friday, March 30, 2012


Well Kanyin is pretty much walking everywhere! He can walk from one side of the room to the other and sometimes around the corner- HE is better when you just let him do it himself. If I were to try and show someone that he can walk and stand him up to get him ready he will just plop back down, but like 40 sec later he will stand himself up and walk away! I am going to have a tough one on my hands... speaking of tough, Auklin today. So he does this thing where he talks back to me- weird huh? :) Yeah so I was telling AUklin if he didn't come eat his cereal he would not get his snack for today- well he comes walking into the kitchen wearing my shoes and says "YOUR not going to get YOUR snack today!" well I looked at him and said "Auklin, you are not the mom. please be a good listener and just eat your breakfast." He looked right at me and said "yeah huh, I am the mom because I am wearing your shoes! and you need to be a good listener and YOU eat YOUR breakfast!" :(
...I am doomed!


Jami & James said...

hahah I LOVE your little guy! What a smarty pants! haha

The Viewer said...

OH MY GOSH! HAHAHA that kid!! Gracie used to go "nu nu nu nu nu nu" and move her hands like a mouth/alligator. Kids are PUNKS lol

Kalli and Derek said...

ha ha ha ha ha!! That's my nephew! Gotta love him though.