Monday, August 22, 2011

St George..... Disaster?

So St George was a blast as usual! We loved everything we did and everything about it... except :) all the injuries and accidents. hehehe this trip caused more accidents than any other I have been on. to start....
this week has been Auklin and mines accident week and I am glad our injuries were not too serious although Auklin had us all scared- I will start with Auklins horror story of the week- we were all swimming out in the pool don’t worry he did not drown… he was going down the slide and loving it so much well he ended up slipping and falling and hitting his head on the cement- it swelled up pretty fast and look so horrible and this was right after his other bump on his head was just going away- in the exact same spot a tennis ball appeared on his head- he actually didn’t cry as long and hard as we thought he would. The bump went hay down and he was himself, we called a know and asked if we should take him in and he told us some signs to look for and if he was acting normal he would be ok- he was right back to himself in no time. And the bump has gone down a ton! Although all the little scrapes and scuffs got worse and now scabbed over and he just looks so sad! Then the next day we went shopping and when Kasey went into the dressing room Auklin followed him, well Auklin shut the door and got his finger pretty good- we are going to probably have to drill it because it is filling up quite a bit- poor thing! I think it hurt worse than his head- It looks like we are the worst parents in the world and we abuse out child. He posed pretty good for the picture I must say.

Well then the next day we were playing ultimate spoons in the pool and as I was diving for a spoon I hit into Kyron either an elbow, a knee, or a fist but I sure got a black eye- It swelled up pretty good but went right down, it just stayed purple. Then we came into make dinner and I was cutting lettuce and on the last cut I sliced my finger and I must say it was pretty deep- I saw purple… : / probably needed stitches but I opted for some super glue and a band aid. I am just waiting for the next major accident to happen. . . Besides the accident when Kyron backed into an expedition in the golfing parking lot! He can join our sad week of accidents! J

(So i wrote this while still in St. George and I am sad to say I spoke too soon...)

But to our dismay this was not even the worst of our trip- on our way home our little Luke had a tumble out of a shopping cart when we stopped at Ikea and at first he was fine and nothing seemed to be terribly wrong- for the next few hours he was doing fine and acting normal, well after a few hours his head swelled up more and more and he started to throw up and we all had learned thats not a good sign so he was taken right in to an instacare and form there he was sent to the hospital and it was there that we heard life changing news, our little Luke stopped breathing and was put on an inhabiter to breath for him and was given a CAT scan and was life flighted to primary children's. On his way there Davis hospital called PC and told them to get ready for Emergency surgery, Luke had a fractured skull and a ruptured artery in his brain. The minute he got there the team was ready and he was rushed in for surgery to fix the artery to prevent more swelling. Well with much prayer and a special blessing his few hour long, life threatening surgery lasted about 45 min and went perfectly. He is recovering good- he is breathing on his own and now we need him to eat on his own so we can get him out of ICU. He is such a trooper and we are so thankful he is ok! Thank heavens for the priesthood and for strong family and friends!


Mallary said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so glad he's okay. I can't even imagine how scared you guys must have been.

The Ostlers said...

Oh my goodness...I can't even imagine what Mike and Mindy are going through :( I am glad you are all alright!

Justin & Denice said...

I'm so sorry to hear what happened. I'm so glad to hear he is doing great.

Shauna said...

Oh my heavens! What a crazy time! I am glad you guys are okay and I hope Luke makes a full recovery soon but am so glad that he's progressing!

Denise Christiansen said...

this still makes me cry!:,(