Thursday, August 5, 2010

Like father like son

Auklin just LOVES his daddy, he copies evrything he does. They are just best friends. When Kasey is around Auklin has nothing to do with me and even though its a little sad for me- it is so cute and I love seeing Kasey be such a great dad- they are already so much alike in so many ways!!! I thought I would just post these cute pictures of Auklin helping daddy out in the yard- 

look how stinkin cute they are- they even match  :D

We surprised him and shot him with water when he was looking at this sprinkler head :) hehehe


Mallary said...

That is so stinkin' cute! I remember doing that when I was little.

Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

so cute. the yeard is looking great.Good thing Auklin is there to make sure it gets done right. :)
Glad you all had a great time in Park City, Chloe is a nut, good gracious! :)

Kalli and Derek said...

I love that, he is so cute!