Thursday, July 8, 2010


So before I forget and go ANOTHER day I have to post my best friends birthday- the whole weekend 3 day celebration of the 4th was pretty busy and I keep forgetting to tell Michelle happy Birthday! Her birthday was on the 4th. Michelle has been my best friend for.. drum roll..... 12 years! We hardly see each other any more since she lives a whole 45 min away! We are pretty lame! Well at least I am - Anyway, Michelle is the life of the party and always has a good laugh for anyone there- She ha one little boy named Oliver and he is such a cutie. Michelle is very unique in her own special way and we love just that way! She always is so sympathetic to peoples emotions and needs. She is a great listener and is not afraid to give her advice even if she knows it might not be what you want to hear- if you need to hear the truth about something.. Call Michelle! We have had such great times together and oh the stories we could tell! I love this girl and I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!! MUAH!


Hollie and Mike Christiansen said...

Such a fabulous lady Michelle is!! Happy Birthday to you Michelle

It's said...

Oh you Little Biscuit! You're my favorite. I did have a wonderful day! We really do need to work on that. I love you very much. I can't believe it's been 12 years.

Denise Christiansen said...

cool! i love Meesh! happy bd belated. it's my big brother's bd too and i forgot him as well. ugh!
any who...this discription of Meesh sounds alot like someone else i know! so how come she gets away with telling it how it is?;)