Thursday, April 16, 2009

4 months

Well Auklin as already 4 months old! We cant believe how fast it has gone by and how big he already is! so we were just taking some fun pictures of Auklin standing up against a wall and he had a really cute face in this one- we just loved it!!!


Corrianne said...

oh my gosh! He is such a stud! I can't believe he is already 4 months old!

It's said...

Oh so cute! It's crazy he's so old. and fun easter pictures!

Denise Christiansen said...

sooooo sweet! i love it! didnt you take that at my house? well at least one just like it. i was confused with the white floor!

Kasey, Chelsi, Auklin and Kanyin said...

yes thats t your house i edited it so it looked better!