Kanyin was born June 2nd at 7:28 am weighing in at 8 lbs 9 oz and 20.5 inches long. He was born C-section and on his way out inhaled some amniotic fluid and struggled with his breathing for a little while after he was born. I was actually not able to hold him for about 6 hours because he was in recovery. It was so hard not to hold him but he is doing so good now! He is a great little baby- he sleeps good and eats good and only cries when he is poopy :) I realize this will all change when we get home but we are enjoying it right now! :) Auklin is loving having a baby brother actually outside my tummy- he did not want to stop holding him. He kept saying "nana, I get to take this home" :) so cute! and he kept telling us he is going to hold his head up. He is going to be such a good brother- We are so excited to be a family of 4 and Auklin and Kanyin are going to be best buddies. They look a lot alike and we are excited to see them grow together...
First time I got to hold him- this was all I got to hold...
Congrats, you guys! He's such a cute little guy! :)
he is`adorable--give him some auntie hollie snuggles for me
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