So today is my sister Jenis birthday! We wont mention how young she is turning!!! ; ) Jeni is so great she is a mother of 2 Landon and Brinlee well i guess we could count her husband and say 3- She works from home, she competes in marathons, triathlons, she plays city league softball and volleyball, she has a jewelry business, and should have a scrap-booking business! She is very talented and basically good at everything she does especially being a mom! She is so much fun and her kids love her so much! She is always so much fun to have around!!! Happy Birthday Jeni!
It's all so true! Happy birthday to my sister in law Jeni bo Beni
Awwwww! So sweet sista. You make me sound so much better than I am! sheesh, and the picture you just had to post is so beautiful. That's really what I'm good at is stuffing my face!!!!!
how nice! very true statements! if she only knew how wonderful she really is! she deserves all the love and appreciation for all she does to do her best!!!
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