Friday, September 5, 2008


HAHAHA OK so I guess I should clear the air for some of you (Brent and Shal ; ) hehe )out there who dont know! : D We will not be naming our baby Tyke for reals that is just what we call him right now cause we dont have a name for him yet... He is our little Tyke! : ) So just so everyone knows! Love you all!


The Butler Family said...

Hi, I just discovered your blog. I'm Kasey's cousin, Christine. I haven't ever met you, Chelsi, but it'll be nice to get to know you a little bit through your blog. Best wishes with your new little one coming!

Mike and Mindy Williams said...

I think you should name him Tyke--I mean--we're all going to call him that anyway! Tagged you--come and play!

Justin & Denice said...

hey Chels..You are getting so big it's so cute!! How's life? I miss not being up in layton i miss out on a lot of things

Tyson, Kaylee and Lucy said...

Kasey and Chelsi I am so excited for you both. Chels You look amazing. When are you due? I hope all is good.

Darwin + Kiara said...

You should TOTALLY name him Tyke! I LOVE it! Darwin and I really like the name Tycho, which is close, but different. Since Darwin is named after a scientist (Charles Darwin) we want to name one of ours after a scientist as well. Tycho Brach was an astronomer, so close enough :) Tyke is great! You should totally go for it!